Hagrid will bring the magic of Harry Potter to your event
To ensure your guests are entertained, and remember your event for all the right reasons, it's vital you choose the right entertainment. Have the 7' tall Hagrid with Harry Potter lookalikes, mix and mingle with your guests, and have their photo taken with them to prove it! Hagrids Motorbike and sidecar available as a real crowd puller for outdoor events. Arrange a ride with Hagrid and Harry on the motorbike and sidecar. For authenticity, the bike can legally be driven on the road without Hagrid wearing a crash helmet. Numerous props and routines, including a talking sorting hat, which speaks, and decides which house the pupils will go. Also Hagrid has a flare firing wand, ideal for those spell moments, or for starting a race. also, radio controlled Scabbers the rat, plus Dursleys blank firing shotgun to give chase. For Harry Potter weddings, contact below for more details
Contact Ed today for enquiries and availability
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"You're a Wizard Harry"
(Hagrid filmed at Castle Rising Castle for ITV Look East and Look North)

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